Cisco U – Rev Up to Recert: Programming for Network Engineer

Cisco U – Rev Up to Recert: Programming for Network Engineer

I just completed the Programming for Network Engineers (PRNE) learning path training on Cisco U and would like to share this with you:

For a limited time, you have FREE access to learn Python AND earn 24 Cisco Continuing Education credits to apply toward recertification.

The PRNE Learning Path must be completed before November 22, 2024.


First steps with pyATS

Have you ever wanted to compare the operational state of a bunch of network devices between two specific times? Not only if the interfaces are up or down, but the number and status of BGP peers, the number of prefixes received, the number of entries into a MAC-address table, etc?
This is something quite laborious to do with classical NMS or Do-It-Yourself scripts. And this is where pyATS can become a real asset.

Here are my first steps with pyATS: Network Test & Automation Solution.

Shutdown thousands access ports with Python and Netmiko

Shutdown thousands access ports with Python and Netmiko

When people ask me “what a network engineer should do to start in network automation?”, my first answer is: start with small things. Try to automate basic and repetitive tasks you do every day. Go after the low-hanging fruits first. Then, step by step, you can do more and more complex things. This is how I learn the best.
In the same vein, I want to share with you my recent experience of automating a very basic and repetitive task: shutdown thousands of unused network access ports.