How to install EVE-NG on Microsoft Hyper-V

How to install EVE-NG on Microsoft Hyper-V

Recently, my license for Cisco VIRL expired and I wanted to test alternatives to have a lab on my laptop.

I got used to install the client and the server parts of VIRL on my laptop, to not have to worry about connectivity when I want to do a lab or a demo to a colleague or a customer. With the exceptional opportunities of the different cloud solutions actually, this is probably not the best solution, but it suits me well for a small lab and I’d like to continue to have this possibility.


So, as an alternative to Cisco VIRL, I had two obvious choices: GNS3 or EVE-NG.

For running one of the three solutions (including VIRL) on a laptop under Windows 10, it is recommended and documented to use VMware Workstation. But have a problem here, I use Microsoft Hyper-V for other VMs tests, as well as for Docker for Windows. And VMware Workstation does not coexist well with Microsoft Hyper-V on the same machine. For example, to start a VM under VMware workstation when Hyper-V start as a service, I must first stop Hyper-V, do a reboot, and then I can start the VM under VMware. Not really sexy.


So, I searched a documentation or a blog post about how to install and run GNS3 or EVE-NG under Hyper-V. Because, after all, this is just an Ubuntu server running on a VM.


For GNS3, I found a pretty good blog, here:
And after two hours I could run my first simulation without any problem. (Note: this blog does not respond from time to time, and currently it seems down).


Then, I wanted to test the same with EVE-NG. In this case, did not find any documentation or post of someone who has already installed it under Hyper-V. I threw a bottle to the sea (Twitter) and got a promising answer that EVE-NG has been successfully installed on Microsoft Azure (see it on YouTube here, a great videos from @theLANtamer). So, I thought, let’s try on Hyper-V!


1.    Ubuntu installation

Some basic prerequisites:


Let’s create the VM under Hyper-V and make the Ubuntu install:

  1. Download Ubuntu 16.04 LTS ISO (be careful,  Ubuntu 18 is NOT supported):


  1. Create a new VM under Hyper-V:
    • Click on “New Virtual Machine” on Hyper-V
    • Name: EVE-NG (you can use any other name, but we will need this name after for a PowerShell change to activate Intel VT-x or AMD-V, so avoid special characters)
    • Generation 2
    • Startup Memory: I have 12GB on my laptop, so I assigned 8GB, but it depends on your own machine. With dynamic memory enabled.
    • Networking: use a vSwitch already existing, connected to the Internet. You must have Internet access during the installation, for the updates.
    • Hard-Disk: create a virtual hard-disk, I assigned 300GB. It’s a lot but if you have many images on EVE-NG, you don’t need to resize the disk later. So up to you.
    • Install the operating system from a bootable image file: and specify the Ubuntu ISO image you just downloaded.
    • Click next, then finish. Hyper-V will now create your VM.
    • Once created, on Hyper-V, select your VM, right-click and choose Settings…
    • Go under Security and disable Secure Boot. Otherwise the boot with the ISO will not start:

    • Go under Processor and increase the number of virtual processors, according to your hardware.
    • Click OK.
    • Connect to the VM and start it. The Ubuntu installation will start, with this message:

(Click on the image to see it full-size)


  1. Ubuntu Setup:
    • Install Ubuntu Server (just hit enter)
    • Language: English
    • Location: United States
    • Configure keyboard: Choose your keyboard or use automatic detection. Having the right keyboard will help you to type correctly the password later.
    • If the network  of your vSwitch have DHCP, the installation continue automatically, if not please setup IP/mask/GW and DNS IPs manually
    • Hostname: eve-ng
    • Domain name: anything you want, or
    • Full name of user: anything makes you happy
    • Username of your account: user (this will be used first time login in to Ubuntu)
    • Password: enter password, confirm enter password again
    • Use weak password: YES (you will see it only if you entered a weak password above)
    • Encrypt your home directory: NO
    • Configure Clock: if your DNS IP is set right, time zone is set automatically
    • Partition disks: use entire disk and setup LVM
    • Partition disks: As you have only one disk, just click continue
    • Write changes to disk and create LVM: YES
    • Amount of volume: leave the entire offered size
    • Force UEFI Installation: YES
    • Write changes to disk: YES
    • Http proxy: NO. Except if you are using a proxy, then configure it for internet reachability.
    • Configuring task: Install security updates automatically
    • Software selection: IMPORTANT: add Open SSH server to the selection (mark with spacebar).
    • Install GRUB boot loader: YES (must be automatic)
    • At the end of the installation: reboot


2. EVE-NG pre-installation

After the reboot, stay on the Hyper-V terminal of your VM to change some first settings. After that, we will use SSH.

This correspond, with some small changes, to the Phase 2 of the bare-install of EVE-NG documentation, here.


  1. After the reboot, login with your user created during the installation part and get root access:
Login: your_user
Password: your_password
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.5 TLS ...
$ sudo su
[sudo] password for your_user: your_password


  1. Change the root password. Here I use “eve” but of course you can choose your own root password:
root@eve-ng:~# sudo passwd root
Enter new UNIX password: eve
Retype new UNIX password: eve
passwd: password updated successfully


  1. Change the hosts file to look as below. I still not see the goal of this change but it’s on the documentation:
    (If you don’t know VI, you can use nano or another editor of your choice. To install nano, type: apt-get install nano )
root@eve-ng:~# vi /etc/hosts       localhost      eve-ng


  1. Allow the root user to access via SSH [optional]:
root@eve-ng:~# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
PermitRootLogin yes


  1. Save settings (:wq) and restart the sshd service:
root@eve-ng:~# service ssh restart


3. EVE-NG community installation

Before the EVE-NG community installation, we need to check the Internet access and the domain-name resolution, with the command:

root@eve-ng:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=176 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=51 time=177 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=51 time=176 ms

Do you like this host ( Another smart Cisco Meraki idea 🙂


Now, we are ready for the install, be sure you are logged as rood and type:

root@eve-ng:~# wget -O – | bash -i

All the installation steps are in this script, there is nothing to do. Go get yourself a coffee and relax.


After a while, the installation is complete, reboot the server:

root@eve-ng:~# reboot


Go back to Hyper-V, right-click on your VM and click Connect…



Click start. During the boot, you will see this warning message on the console:

neither Intel VT-x or AMD-V found on Hyper-V

We will solve this later.


Now, you can follow this guide for the first boot configuration:

Once done, come back here for the next few steps.


If you have not done so already – this was at the end of the guide for the first boot configuration – do an upgrade to latest version, and then shutdown the server:

root@eve-ng:~# apt-get update
(... skipped ...)
root@eve-ng:~# apt-get upgrade
(... skipped ...)
root@eve-ng:~# shutdown now


Finally, we must enable nested virtualization. As I know, the only way to do this is with PowerShell. So, open a PowerShell prompt as administrator on your PC and write this command:
(Where “EVE-NG” is the name of the VM)

> Set-VMProcessor -VMName "EVE-NG" -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $True

Now, start your EVE-NG VM again with the Hyper-V console, the message “neither Intel VT-x or AMD-V found on Hyper-V” should not appear anymore.


Now, you should be able to connect to the web interface with HTTP – the IP address of the server should appear in the console, just on top of the login:

Username: admin
Password: eve

Congratulations, your EVE-NG is ready!


4. Next steps: import and use the images

The next steps are to import and use the images. I will not spend too much time on it because there is already a lot of documentation on this subject. But, there are a few things to keep in mind:


  • Images must be installed on the corresponding directory:
  • The IOS/IOU images need a license. I let you google this point.
  • Read the how-to to upload and use the images, this is important:
  • Fix the permissions issues with the wrapper: /opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions
  • To copy the images from your PC to the VM, you can use SCP. I use Putty pscp.exe

Conclusions and other resources

As I wrote at the beginning of this post, with the current possibilities offered by the cloud, at ever lower prices, it is not necessarily useful to have the EVE-NG / GNS3 / VIRL server directly on his machine. Especially that the resources are limited if you want to make a big lab or start few Nexus 9k for example. But, it may be useful to be able to start a small lab in 2 minutes on his own PC, without worrying about Internet connectivity.


For more information, I recommend the following links:

Happy labbing!


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  1. omar

    How can I build an eve lab on hyper-v and connect it to the internet?

  2. Beaker

    Thanks for putting this up!

    I’m having issues after finishing the virtual machine setup. I’m not getting the IP address displayed on the console (but it’s showing up on ifconfig). I cannot get to the web GUI, as a result. Should I create a new/dedicated virtual switch for the Ubuntu / EVE-NG VM?

  3. George K.

    i am having an issue with vnc console in some qemu images
    i am getting an error ” Guest has not initialized the display yet”
    heperv is the hypervisor

  4. Bogdan

    After the entire installation, telnet does not work in the web interface, so you cannot configure the node

    • Yuri

      Yes, it is right, neither telnet or ssh dont work. Also i have install eve-ng client.exe from official site. The telnet client was turned on windows features system. How to resolv this problem?

  5. Rathindra Nath Dutta

    Hello Jerome,
    Thanks for your great article, i am going to install EVE-NG on Hyper-V.
    i have 8 GB RAM, i5 Intel Vpro.

    What Ubuntu server i should use as i use Intel processor ?

  6. andyo_doesnt_like_uucp

    my fault. i simply should to use default vswitch :0)

  7. andyo_doesnt_like_uucp

    only 1 notice: with hyper-v i’ve discovered VM gets the same (if DHCP-configured) address as host PC :0(
    as i didnt find how to rerun eve-config at 1st boot, i’ve configured host PC’s NIC (which is effectively vEthernet after External switch introduction) with static IP within my SOHO router private range. after this i became able to ssh & http eve from host PC.

    Again, thanks, Jerome , for the gr8 work!

    • Hi Pete, thank you very much for your comment. You are totally right! I just added a remark about the fact that Ubuntu 18 is not supported.
      Thank you for pointing that out.
      Kind regards

  8. Charlie

    Thanks for the instructions. All is working but I do have issues running both IOL and Qemu images at the same time. It actually crashes with a kernal message. All seems fine as long as I do not mix the two types and turn them on. Any Ideals? Not sure it is related to HyperV or not.

    • Kyle

      I am encountering the same issue. Any solutions?

      • Hi, thank you for your question. I am sorry but I do not have a solution for this. I had the same problem on my side.
        Now, I have to say that since 5 months I am not using Windows anymore on my workstation. I moved to Linux, for many reasons. So my EVE-NG is now running on a VMware VM and everything goes well 🙂

  9. mahdi

    i have a question
    in eve scenario devices can communicate with outside environment?
    for example we have tow vm on hyper_v
    on one of them eve-ng and on the other windows server 2016
    in eve-ng scenario we have router
    can we see the router from windows server?(do they have ping each other?)
    with respect

  10. mahdi

    i believe Hyper_v better use of resource than ESXI
    and because i use eve_ng in my laptop Which has few resources hyper_v choice is a great ideas

  11. Abdul Azeem Mansoor

    thanks Jerome Tissieres

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