Cisco DCAUTO exam study resources

Cisco DCAUTO exam study resources

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I just passed the Cisco DevNet DCAUTO (300-635) exam (Yay!). This is my 3rd Cisco exam on network automation after NPDESI in 2018 (replaced now by the DevNet program), and DevNet CORE (DEVCOR) in 2020. But this time, I documented everything I read, so I could report it here and build a Cisco DCAUTO exam study resources. By doing this, I hope to help anyone who wants to study for this certification. And, as I have already passed the DevNet CORE exam, I am now Cisco certified DevNet Professional.


My background before starting

I was not starting from scratch for this exam. I had already studied for the first two and I also have good hands-on experience in data-center and network automation technologies. I must say, I was expecting an easier exam, especially after having already studied and passed DEVCOR. And in fact, it’s not easy at all! This is a very difficult exam, going deep into the details of each topic of the blueprint. And the topics are many!

So, here are the topics I already knew or had worked on before I started studying for this certification:

  • My path of study for NPDESI, which is more or less equivalent to a level between DEVASC and DEVCOR. I started by learning Git, then Python, then I did a lot of DevNet Learning Labs and videos. Later, I took the NPDESI 5-days instructor-led training, where I saw the network programmability fundamentals, all about REST, API, NETCONF, and the different data models. And then how to interact with many Cisco network controllers and devices.
  • Two years later, I started my DEVCOR study journey, where I mostly used Nick Russo‘s DevNet exams study plans and courses on Pluralsight. Plus many personal labbing.
  • And in parallel to this, I have a solid experience with NX-OS, did quite a lot of tests with DCNM, as well as many workshops and labs on ACI.

But, and this is an important point for this certification, very little experience with UCS: UCS Powertool, UCS Python SDK, UCS Director, and Intersight. I did a few DevNet Learning Labs on that when I was studying for the DEVCOR, but not more. These were the subjects that I struggled with on my first attempt at the exam. And I had to review them in depth to pass the exam the second time.


Exam topics and related Cisco DCAUTO exam study resources

You can find the Cisco DCAUTO exam topics here:

The Cisco DevNet site has a list of links to study materials for each topic. Some of the links are the same as below, but I find their list incomplete.

So, I have created below, a list of the exam topics (from Jan. 2022), to which I have added links and descriptions to the study resources I used:

1.0 Network Programmability Foundation

2.0 Controller Based Data Center Networking

3.0 Data Center Device-centric Networking

4.0 Data Center Compute


Labbing resources

And of course, the key is to test and experiment at the same time as you study. For this, you can use the following free resources:

1.0 Network Programmability Foundation

  • For Python, Ansible, and API tests, the simplest is to use your own computer, if possible within a virtual environment.
  • For the API part, using Postman is a good idea.
  • Then, on the Cisco DevNet portal, there is plenty of learning labs and exercises. Including a lab on how to set up your own virtual developer environment.

2.0 Controller Based Data Center Networking

3.0 Data Center Device-centric Networking

4.0 Data Center Compute


Here it is, I hope these Cisco DCAUTO exam study resources are useful. If you have any other suggestions to add to this list, feel free to leave a comment below.
Happy studying!


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